2. SALVATIONChapter 6.
Repentance & Behavior
You might say,
“Then, are you saying that we don’t need the repentance of our sins and holy deeds?”
I'm writing chapter 6
for those who says that.
Repentance of sins and
holy deeds are “must-do” requirements closely related to
the reward for the believers
“who are the people of heaven."
It just has nothing to do with
the conditions for going to heaven.
There are two things that
you'll realize in Chapter 6.
Even if you are saved,
if you live in love with
the world and neglect repentance and holiness,
you will not inherit the heaven.
No matter how corrupt
God's children are,
they go to somewhere different than the hell where ‘Chaffs’ are
supposed to go.
Compare the following
two verses in detail.
「 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. 」
Revelation 22:15
「 The cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--their place will be in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death. 」
Revelation 21:8
When you read them carefully,
you will find that the sins in those two verses are very similar.
But these two types of people
go to different places.
One is to ‘outer darkness’.
The other is to ‘the lake of fire’.
I've made the above verse
into a chart for an easy view.

Their sins on the list
are the same.
The difference between them
is that the people on the left are "dogs",
and those on the right are "unbelievers".
Remember the previous parable about the sheep and the goats.
Dogs : Unbelievers
Who are "the dogs"?
「 As "a dog" returns
to its vomit,
so a fool repeats his folly. 」
Proverb 26:11
"Dogs" refer to "believers"
who have been saved,
but go back to their old evil deeds.
"The cowardly,
the unbelieving,"
are the "chaffs" who rejected
God to the end.
"In addition"
The people on the left go to
the darkness outside the city
to be punished,
but those on the right go to
the lake of burning sulfur.
Outer Darkness
: The Lake of Fire
I'll give you a short conclusion.
After being saved,
all those who go back
to the world and indulge in it
will not inherit the heaven and
they will be thrown into the darkness outside the city.
That is why repentance of sins and holy deeds are ‘must-do’ requirements.
These two things,
repentance and holy deeds,
are closely related to the reward,
such as the inheritance of heaven, but not leading to the judgment that decides heaven or hell.
They are the children of God,
so they do not go to hell where ‘Chaffs’ go.
There are many things
to discuss with,
but I will only explain short terms.
For more information,
see 👉Reborn Series
The most
important events
in human history are the following three.

We can see that
God values these three events.
Because He marked those three events on specific years
with the hexagonal figures.

The top of these greatest and most crucial events is the crucifixion.

The most amazing event that God, who created this universe, came down to earth in the flesh to save
His own creatures and died for them.
However, if we think it over,
we can’t help wondering.
Why did He do that?
Why did it have to be “Crucifixion”?
We just don't understand
why the Almighty God, the foundation of wisdom, chose to sacrifice Himself to save us.
Chapter 7 tracks down
the mystery.