Chapter 2.

Secret of History

Take a close look at the following verses.

 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers "in heavenly places" might be known 

by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

According to the eternal purpose which he purposed
in Christ Jesus our Lord: 」

Ephesians 3:10,11

It means "some education" 
is going on in heavenly places for heavenly beings to know about manifold wisdom of God.

Hereafter, you'll find out 

what "the education" is about.

Even before
 Adam was created,
 God had already planned an epic story to save mankind.

It is a total six-day

 of audiovisual education:

 4-day of old testimony,

 2-day of new testimony.

The education is purposed

 to prove God's righteousness, love, and the infinite wisdom that no creature can dare to challenge;
thus, those heavenly beings, shaken in mind by Satan(Lucifer)

 who challenged God by deceiving humans, are subject to the education.

↑ (It doesn't mean that it's six days of 24-hour a day. The time flow in heaven must be shorter. The chart above only shows an example for your better understanding.)

The purpose of this audiovisual education is to teach:

01   Creatures cannot overcome God.

02  Creatures must realize God's omnipotence and His love.

03  All beings exist by God's love and grace

To make this audiovisual education a solid proof 
to everyone, 
He can not just lock up Lucifer, who tried to rebel, and do His will.

"For the equity of education"

Lucifer is given the freedom, 

except to exterminate mankind.

That's why the fallen angels 
on earth were able to develop 
their own civilization and 

rule over this world.

"Satan, guaranteed freedom during education period."

The Satan’s plan, which hinders 
God’s plan for His loved ones, 
seemed to be successful at first.

For he succeeded to make 
the former world, prior to the cross,
forget about God into idolatrous nations.


He could not stop God's plan, after all.

Creator God came down to the earth 
and sacrificed Himself as a sin offering to prove His infinite love,
which Satan never thought of.

God has completely defeated Satan at once with the love on the cross.

What secret lies on the cross that prevented Satan from slandering humans anymore?



to make a false and defamatory oral statement against a person

You'll definitely find out what the secret is about, today.

"Most religions in this world have something in common."

That is, if you repent hard for your sins, you can be forgiven by the absolute and go to a good place.

However, surprisingly, 
the Bible does not say that.

Here's the image of the people sent to hell during the Judgement written in the Bible.

"Think over the reason they are sent to hell."

「 Then shall he say also 

unto them on the left hand, 

Depart from me, ye cursed, 

into everlasting fire, 

prepared for the devil and 

his angels:  For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: 

I was thirsty, and ye gave me 

no drink: I was a stranger, 

and ye took me not in: 

naked, and ye clothed me not: 

sick, and in prison, 

and ye visited me not. 

Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we 

thee an hungred, or athirst, 

or a stranger, or naked, or sick, 

or in prison, and did not 

minister unto thee? 

Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, 

Inasmuch as ye did it not to 

one of the least of these, 

ye did it not to me. 」


Mathew 25:41-45

"Did you get it?"

They are sent to hell not because 

they didn't repent of their sins.

"But because they didn't do good things when they have to."

“Mail me if you have any objections on this.”

It must be shocking 
for those who believe that 
if they repent hard of their sins, 
they can be forgiven and 
go to heaven.

These words clearly say 
that repentance of your sins is 
not enough to go to heaven; 
that is, you should “not miss a single good thing” for the rest of your life to go to heaven.

If you give nothing to drink 
to a stranger in front of you 
when he is thirsty,

if you don't give any money 
to a beggar who was begging 
you on the street,
or if you don't take care of your neighbor when he is sick in bed,

"You go to hell."

Based on this, how many of the nearly 8 billion people in the world can go to heaven?


I guarantee, No One!

 Hebrews says as follows:


 For it is impossible for those
 who were once enlightened,

and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance;
 seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

Hebrews 6:4-6

It means that even if
 you believe in God and are saved,
 if you sin and fall away again,
 you will not be renewed and
 your repentance will be useless
 for your salvation.

It must be so despair for those who have sinned again today, as always. 

For there is no one who doesn’t sin
 at all, except dead person.

Some people try to put other lame explanations on this verse,
 saying those sins are different kind of “harmless and naive sins”.

 But the meaning of those words is very clear.

That is,
 "Your repentance for your salvation is useless

 if you sin even once and fall away again."

Some would say,

Hey, the verse is 

not talking about the sin done only once. 

It is only true for those who have sinned many times and don’t repent.

I have a question then.
“Is there any words in the Bible saying that?”

Do you think 
“sinned once and sinned 100 times”
are different?

Whether we have sinned 
once or a hundred times, 
we are the same in front of God 

for we all failed to keep ourselves pure and were corrupted.

The verse is saying very clear 
and loud.


"You're all going 
to hell."


Those two verses prove that 
God has lied to us so far.

Because there are also words in the Bible that go against those above.

(GOD) wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 


1 Timothy 2:4

It means, God, who wants all men to be saved, is doing the opposite.

God is threatening to send you 

to hell for not doing good things when you have to.

He is saying that there isn’t another chance of repentance if you’ve sinned
once again.

Why does God say such contradictory words?

Let me tell you the secret hidden behind His contradictional words.

"You'll be very surprised."


Chapter 2.

Secret of History

Take a close look at the following verses.

 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers 

"in heavenly places" might be known 

by the church the manifold wisdom of God,

According to the eternal purpose 

which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 」

Ephesians 3:10~11

It means "some education" is going on in heavenly places 

for heavenly beings to know about manifold wisdom of God. 

Hereafter, you'll find out what the education is about.

Even before Adam was created, 

God had already planned an epic story to save mankind.

It is a total six-day of audiovisual education: 

4-day of old testmony, 2-day of new testimony.


The education is purposed to prove 

God's righteousness, love, and the infinite wisdom

that no creature can dare to challenge;


thus, those heavenly beings, 

shaken in mind by Satan (Lucifer) who challenged God 

by deceiving humans, are subject to the education.

↑ It doesn't mean that it's six days of 24-hour a day.

The time flow in heaven must be shorter.

The chart above only shows an example for your better understanding.

The purpose of this 

audiovisual education is to teach:

01    Creatures cannot overcome God.

02   Creatures must realize God's omnipotence and His love

03   All beings exist by God's love and grace.

To make this audiovisual education a solid proof to everyone, 

He can not just lock up Lucifer, 

who tried to rebel, and do His will.

"For the equity of education"

Lucifer is given the freedom, except to exterminate mankind.

That's why the fallen angels on earth were able to develop 

their own civilization and rule over this world.

"Satan, guaranteed freedom during education period"

The Satan’s plan, which hinders God’s plan for His loved ones, 

seemed to be successful at first.

For he succeeded to make the former world, 

prior to the cross, forget about God into idolatrous nations. 

The Satan made even God's people abandoned 

by God for their idolatry.


He could not stop God's plan, after all.

Creator God came down to Earth and sacrificed himself 

as a sin offering to prove His infinite love, 

which Satan never thought of.

God has completely defeated Satan at once 

with the love on the cross.

What secret lies on the cross that 

prevented Satan from slandering humans anymore?


Slander :

to make a false and defamatory oral statement against a person

You'll definitely find out what the secret is about, today.

"Most religions in this world have something in common."

That is, if you repent hard for your sins, 

you can be forgiven by the absolute and go to a good place.

However, surprisingly, the Bible does not say that.

Here's the image of the people sent to hell 

during the Judgement written in the bible.

"Think over the reason they are sent to hell."

mobile background

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, 

Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, 

prepared for the devil and his angels: 

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: 

I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: 

I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: 

naked, and ye clothed me not: 

sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. 

Verily I say unto you, 

Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, 

ye did it not to me.


Mathew 25:41-45

"Did you get it?"

They are sent to hell not because they didn't repent of their sins.

"But because they didn't do good things when they have to."

"Mail me if you have any objections on this."

It must be shocking for those who believe that 

if they repent hard of their sins, 

they can be forgiven and go to heaven.

These words clearly say that 

repentance of your sins is not enough to go to heaven; 

that is, you should “not miss a single good thing” 

for the rest of your life to go to heaven.

If you give nothing to drink to a stranger in front of you when he is thirsty, 

if you don't give any money to a beggar who was begging you on the street, 

or if you don't take care of your neighbor when he is sick in bed,

"you go to hell."

Based on this, 

how many of the nearly 8 billion people in the world 

can go to heaven?


I guarantee, No One!

Also, Hebrews says as follows:


For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened,

and have tasted of the heavenly gift,

and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted the good word of God,

and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away,

to renew them again unto repentance;

seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh,

and put him to an open shame.」

Hebrews 6:4-6

It means that even if you believe in God and are saved, 

if you sin and fall away again, you will not be renewed and 

your repentance will be useless for your salvation.

It must be so despair for those who have sinned again today, 

as always. For there is no one who doesn’t sin at all, 

except dead person.

Some people try to put other lame explanations on this verse, 

saying those sins are different kind of "harmless and naive sins". 

But the meaning of those words is very clear.

That is, "Your repentance for your salvation is useless 

if you sin even once and fall away again."

That’s what Hebrews declares to us, 

"You are all destined to hell!"

Some would say,

Hey, the verse is not talking about 

the sin done only once. 

It is only true for those who have sinned 

many times and don’t repent. 

I have a question then. 

"Is there any words in the bible saying that?"

Do you think 

"Sinned once and Sinned 100 times" are different?

Whether we have sinned once or a hundred times, 

we are the same in front of God 

for we all failed to keep ourselves pure and were corrupted.

The verse is saying very clear and loud.

"You're all going to hell."

Those two verses prove that God has lied to us so far. 

Because there are also words in the bible 

that go against those above.

mobile background

「 (GOD) wants all men to be saved 

and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 」


1 Timothy 2:4

It means, God, who wants all men to be saved, 

is doing the opposite.

God is threatening to send you to hell

for not doing good things when you have to. 

He is saying that there isn’t another chance of repentance 

if you’ve sinned once again.

Why does God say 

such contradictory words?

Let me tell you the secret hidden behind 

His contradictional words.

"You'll be very surprised."