Chapter 7.

Amazing Proposal


Chapter 7.

The most amazing marriage proposal

The design of God's judgment, Decalcomanie

The hexagonal figures that points to the time of creation, crucifixion, and Jesus’ second coming

Following is an incredible love story of the Almighty God, who printed the Décalcomanies and Hexagons into the universe.


God’s way that we humans can never understand at all

One day 2,000 years ago, 

the Creator Himself came to the earth. 
He lived 33 and half years and 

died on the cross.

After spitted, punched, 

and slapped by His own creatures, 

He was crucified, the most painful punishment that human can bear.

The image of Jesus, 

the Creator of All, naked on the cross, crucified by His own creatures.

Covering His bottom part is 

just director’s consideration.

Truth is He was on the cross totally naked.

Spitted, punched, 

slapped by His own creatures, 

and the disgraceful insult and humiliation of being naked..

Can you even imagine?


He is the Almighty Creator God.”

 The only reason He Himself
 had gone through all this pain

 and humiliation is

 to save you, give you eternal life, and live together.

"Do you understand
 why He chose that painful way?"

It must be lying if you understand.

 The Creator who sacrificed
 Himself for His own creatures.

That is not the love we can
 easily understand in our brain.

The biggest question is,

“Why did He choose
 the humiliating and insulting
 crucifixion to save us?”

The coats of animal skin for Adam and his wife covering their naked bodies.


The lamb of the burnt offering from Abraham, which was sacrificed in place of his only son Isaac.


The blood of the Passover lamb which saved the people of Israel suffering and struggling for 400 years.


Afterwards, the ways to make atonement with the blood of a sin offering according to God’s command to Israelites.

Do you think He chose 
to be crucified to fulfill those prophecies recorded in the Bible 
about Himself?


「 In fact, the law requires that nearly everything be cleansed with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. 」
Hebrew 9: 22

Is it really the reason that He designed His own crucifixion?

“No, not at all.”

 He created this law 
to punish Himself 
with the crucifixion!


 He planned the crucifixion 
that He would sacrifice Himself 
before creation. 

Then, He designed all these: 

- the redemption by blood, 

- Adam and Hawa 

(the coats of animal skin),

- Abraham and Isaac 

(the lamb of the burnt offering),

- the salvation of Israel, 

- the sacrifice of sin offering.

 It’s beyond our imagination.

Think about it!

God, who owns everything
 on earth and in heaven,
 planned the redemption
 by His own blood for His creatures.
He even put himself
 to humiliation and insult on the cross, to be a sin offering.

He Himself designed all this!

 Well, there are many other ways
 to save us in a cool way,
 making another law to save
 His honor and dignity.

 If I were Him,

 I'd be flying like Superman, shooting thunders and lightning at my will,

 calling millions of angels into the sky to let them sing hymns for me and standing in the middle of it, I would shout,

 "Trust me!
 I'll give you eternal life!"

If He had done so,

 any Pharisees and teachers of the law would’ve knelt down and

 cried out with fear,

 "Save my life!"

Isn’t it much easier and better way?

But, God,

 who has infinite wisdom,

 let go of this easy way.

Why on earth, then,

 did He choose the crucifixion?


The most amazing Marriage Proposal in Human History

There is a man 
who loves one woman.

He bought the most expensive diamond ring which was 
actually too much for him.

And he proposes to the woman 
at last. 

The woman, who loved the man 
but didn’t know about his heart,
receives the ring and says 
“Yes” with tears.

Is it the expensive diamond itself that made the woman shed tears?

The woman, who knew 

he wasn’t rich enough to afford it, 

was moved to tears when she realized how much he loves her through the high value of the diamond.

That’s how it goes.

 In order to let know
 of your love to your loved one,
 you have to show your sacrifice.

Your loved one will get to know
 how much you love him or her
 by the size and truth of your sacrifice.

That is the principle of this universe and God’s law.

The event of the Cross is the most earnest and amazing marriage proposal of God to reveal that

how much He loves you and how big and sincere His love for you is.

His love for us is 

so huge that

He who created this infinite universe and can destroy the sinners all at once at His own will,

came down to this world 

in the flesh, and died naked on the cross to save us humans. 

The man holds
a diamond ring and proposes her to marry him.

Now the choice lies with her.

If she accepts the ring, 
she will marry to him,

But if she refuses, 
she will have nothing 

to do with him, 

and the man will have to forget about her.

Jesus, the groom, 
proposes to you with the blood of redemption that He made by sacrificing Himself.

 Now the choice 
is on you.

If you drink the wine, 
the blood of redemption, 
and accept the proposal, 

you will be forgiven for all your sins and become a bride of Jesus.

 If you refuse, however, 
you will be separated from Jesus. 

Then, you will continue to walk the path of destruction, 

as the belonging of the king of this world, not in the protection of the Creator God.

The design of God's judgment, 


A hexagonal figure that points to the time of 

creation, crucifixion, and Jesus’ second coming

Following is an incredible love story 

of the Almighty God, who printed the décalcomanies 

and hexagons into the universe.

01 God’s way that we humans 

     can never understand at all

One day 2,000 years ago, 

the Creator Himself came to Earth. 

He lived 33 and half years and died on the cross. 

After spitted, punched, and slapped by His own creation, 

He was crucified, the most painful punishment 

that human can bear. 

The image of Jesus, the Creator of All, 

naked on the cross, crucified by his own creation 

Covering His bottom part is just director’s consideration. 

Truth is He was on the cross totally naked. 

Can you even imagine? 

Spitted, punched, slapped by His own creation, 

and the disgraceful insult and humiliation of being naked 

"Even, He is the Almighty Creator God"

 The only reason He Himself had gone through 

all this pain and humiliation is to save you, 

give you eternal life, and live together. 

"Do you understand 

why He chose that painful way?"

 It must be lying if you understand.

 The Creator who sacrificed Himself for His own creation!

That is not the love we can easily understand in our brain.

The biggest question is, 

"Why did He choose the humiliating and 

insulting crucifixion to save us?"

"Why did it have to be that way?"

- The coats of animal skin for Adam and his wife 

  covering their naked bodies


- The lamb of the burnt offering from Abraham, 

  which was sacrificed in place of his only son Isaac.


- The blood of the Passover lamb which 

  saved the people of Israel suffering and struggling for 400 years.


Afterwards, the ways to make atonement with the blood of 

  a sin offering according to God’s command to Israelites

Do you think He chose to be crucified 

to fulfill those prophecies recorded in bible about Himself?


In fact, the law requires that
nearly everything be cleansed with blood,
and without the shedding of blood
there is no forgiveness.

Hebrew 9:22

Is it really the reason that He designed His own crucifixion?

"No, Not at all."

He created this law 

to punish Himself with the crucifixion!


 He planned the crucifixion that 

He would sacrifice Himself before creation. 

Then, He designed all these: 

- the redemption by blood 

- Adam and Hawa (the coats of animal skin) 

- Abraham and Isaac (the lamb of the burnt offering) 

-  the salvation of Israel, 

- the sacrifice of sin offering.

It’s beyond our imagination.

 Think about it! 

God, who owns everything on earth and in heaven, 

planned the redemption by His own blood for His creatures.


He even put himself to humiliation and insult on the cross, 

to be a sin offering He Himself designed all this! 

 Well, there are many other ways to save us in a cool way,

making another law to save His honor and dignity.

 If I were Him, I'd be flying like Superman,

shooting thunders and lightning at my will,

calling millions of angels into the sky

to let them sing hymns for me and

standing in the middle of it, I would shout,

"Trust me! I'll give you eternal life!". 

If He had done so, 

any Pharisees and teachers of the law 

would’ve knelt down and cried out with fear,

"Save my life!”

Isn’t it much easier and better way?


 But, God, who has infinite wisdom,

let go of this easy way.

Why on earth, then,

did He choose the crucifixion?

02 The most amazing Marriage Proposal 

       in Human History

There is a man who loves one woman. 

He bought the most expensive diamond ring 

which was actually too much for him. 

And he proposes to the woman at last. 

The woman, 

who loved the man but didn’t know about his heart, 

receives the ring and says “Yes” with tears.

Is it the expensive diamond itself 

that made the woman shed tears?

The woman, who knew he wasn’t rich enough to afford it, 

was moved to tears when she realized how much he loves her 

through the high value of the diamond. 

That’s how it goes

In order to let know of your love to your loved one, 

you have to show your sacrifice. 

Your loved one will get to know how much you love him or her 

by the size and truth of your sacrifice. 

That is the principle of this universe and the God’s law.

The event of the Cross is 

the most earnest marriage proposal of God.


That is the most amazing proposal to reveal that 

how much He loves you and how big and sincere His love is for you.  

His love for us is so huge that 

He came down to this world in the flesh, 

and died naked on the cross to save us humans!

Think about it! 

He is God who created this infinite universe. 

He is God who can destroy the sinners all at once at His own will. 

The man holds a diamond ring and proposes her to marry him. 

Now the choice lies with her. 

If she accepts the ring, she will marry to him, 

But if she refuses, she will have nothing to do with Him, 

and the man will have to forget about her. 

Jesus, the groom, proposes to you 

with the blood of redemption 

that he made by sacrificing Himself.

"Now the choice is on you."

If you drink the wine, the blood of redemption, 

and accept the proposal, you will be forgiven for all your sins 

and become a bride of Jesus. 



 If you refuse, however, you will be separated from Jesus. 

Then, you will continue to walk the path of destruction, 

as the belonging of the king of this world, 

not in the protection of the Creator God.