1. SIGNChapter 7.
Secret of
"October 2nd"
But of that day and hour knoweth no man,
no, not the angels of the heaven,
but my father only.
Mathew 24:38
I’ve put off this subject because of those who
would condemn me for mentioning the day of His coming,
calling me divisive person.
I concerned that they would lose credit with
this book due to their fixed idea.
But, look up the verses above in the Bible.
If you look through the whole chapter,
you will clearly see it; it says about the Rapture,
"Advent in the air".
"It's not the time of
His Second Coming on earth"
The Lord comes twice during 7-year Tribulation.
01. In the Air for Rapture
02. Second Advent on earth for Judgement
Think about it.
Of two days above, the day, "knoweth no man,
no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only,"
is the day of "Rapture in the Air."
The day of
"Second Coming for Judgement"
is not a hidden day.
For we know that the Lord, who fulfilled the spring season,
will fulfill autumn season when He comes again.
"The Lord’s Advent on earth" will be fullfilled on "The Feast of Trumpets".
We just don't know what exact year it is.